Tom Grundy's Nevada City 2012 Trip Page

On the way to Wanderlust (even though it wasn't on the way at all). I went to Grass Valley / Nevada City for a little pre Wanderlust Yogaslacking. There I met up with Sam and also met a heap of new Yogaslackers, Isha, Jenny, Raquel, Rainbow, etc. We managed to get in some good swimming and slacklining at the Yuba River and more at the park.

We set up two water lines across the Yuba river one day. Unfortunately I managed to get a bit sunburned - something about repeatedly falling in the Yuba and then warming up and drying out in the sun. oops. Still, it was a lot of fun despite the frustration and burn. This was the first water line that I managed to walk decently (although there was also a lot of falling and splashing). The previous attempt at Lake Tahoe the year before was pretty weak. If you looked down the moving water threw your balance off and there were a few shallow spots and boulders under the water that were to be avoided.

Sam on the Yuba River line
picture of slackline
here I am walking over the Yuba
picture of slackline
Sam on the line - he didn't even fall
picture of slackline
Houston, we have a negative on that trajectory (Raquel goes for a quick dip)
picture of slackline
Jenny falling off the line - quite a bit of photoshoppery here
picture of slackline

We set up a longline on some state land, but then we had to take it down before we could walk on it - obviously it was too dangerous. Luckily we were able to set one up across the outfield at a different park. I can't remember how long it was - maybe 140 feet? This was an excellent warmup for Wanderlust, plus I got to meet a heap of cool folks and check out a new area.

Raquel on the longline
picture of slackline
Sam with a new jump start
picture of slackline
Raquel on the longline again
picture of slackline

Jenny and Isha doing some acro while Gideon supervises
picture of acro

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